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Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual

 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual

Detailed soil and rock descriptions are an essential part of the information developed to support Caltrans’ design and construction processes. Subsurface information for any given area is, and can be, generated and accumulated over a prolonged period of time by various geotechnical practitioners for different projects and purposes.

It is imperative that geotechnical practitioners working on Caltrans projects use standardized terminology and procedures to maintain consistency in borehole logging and reporting practices. Geotechnical Services in the Division of Engineering Services has published this Manual to ensure the Department’s investment in maintaining consistent logging practices.

The information presented in this Manual is based predominantly on American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards and other publications. These references provide standardized methods for identifying, describing, or classifying soil and rock; however, they do not provide adequate descriptive terminology and criteria for identifying soil and rock for engineering purposes. Consequently, this manual extends, and in some cases modifies these standards to include additional descriptive terms and criteria.

In addition to soil and rock identification, description, or classification, this Manual contains instructions that present Departmental standards for borehole and sample identification, minimum material requirements for various laboratory tests, and boring log presentation formats.
