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Handbook of Construction Management for Instrumentation and Controls

 Handbook of Construction Management for Instrumentation and Controls

Handbook of Construction Management for Instrumentation and Controls

Instrumentation for process industries is evolving, perhaps faster than most other technologies. The accuracy and speed at which plant data is made available to personnel is way ahead of what it was, even a decade back. The advent of digital technology and advances made in communication have enabled a revolution. Together with associated computers, relevant reports giving details on current production levels, bottlenecks, raw material stocks, finished goods levels, etc. are made available to board members and production executives, enabling them to take appropriate decisions almost on a real-time basis.

Yet, all this depends on one key factor – correct installation and commissioning of the instrumentation system. It is also essential to ensure long-term reliability without frequent breakdowns. For example, any form of analysis instrument, sophisticated or otherwise, is only as effective as its sampling system.

Digital technology and today’s communication capabilities have forced changes in office organization structures and office management. Similar changes will start happening in construction management. Traditional management structures, with managers using methods and styles based on their previous experiences at other sites, may be found to be inadequate. In addition, installation, calibration and testing of today’s instruments call for different skills and experiences.

Experience in installation and testing are not the only skills needed from a site Instrument Installation Manager, whose job calls for man-power planning, recruitment, site safety, attendance in meetings, progress reporting, material management, cost control, change management, database management, delay management, E.O.T. (Extension-Of-Time for reaching completion), managing government regulations / forms and a host of other issues.
