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Renewable and alternative energy

 Renewable and alternative energy

Renewable and alternative energy

Technology is a dominant force in the world today. Accordingly, the demand for energy to power the various devices that make the world run more smoothly and efficiently has increased at an astonishing rate; world population growth and the modernization of developing nations have strained the availability of some energy
resources even further. It has been estimated that 80 percent of global energy comes from fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. These limited commodities may soon be depleted if this pattern of usage continues. In addition to scarcity, pollution and other compelling factors suggest that fossil fuels are less than ideal energy sources.

Short of giving up modern conveniences, the answer to this worldwide energy crisis arguably lies in renewable resources, meaning those capable of consistent regeneration, with unlimited potential availability. Several of these renewable resources, collectively termed “alternative energy,” are being researched and implemented across the globe. Energy derived from the Sun, wind, water, and heat from Earth’s core has been used alongside, or in place of, fossil fuels increasingly over the last century.

Biofuels, derived from crops such as corn and sugar cane, and nuclear energy are other alternatives that are receiving a lot of attention of late. This book examines these various alternative energy options—their root sources or creation methods, their applications, and the technology that makes them viable energy resources.

The power of the Sun has been used throughout history. In some ways, it is easy to take advantage of solar energy, from the simple act of hanging clothing to dry on a fair day to placing houseplants near south-facing windows, which receive the most sunlight.
