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Recent Geotechnical Research at BOKU

 Recent Geotechnical Research at BOKU

Recent Geotechnical Research at BOKU

This book brings together 19 papers by the members of our institute, our visiting scholars and our project partners. It presents a snapshot of the research activities on geomechanics and geohazards between 2020 and 2023 at the Institute of Geotechnical
Engineering, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria.

The research in this period is characterized by two research projects funded by the European Commission, i.e., HERCULES (towards geoHazards rEsilient infRastruC- tUre under changing cLimatES) and FRAMED (Fracture Across Scales and Materials, Processes and Disciplines), and two projects funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), i.e., MultiCBPR (Multiscale modelling of compaction bands in porous rocks) and STRECROPA (Experimental and numerical modelling of stress redistribution due to construction of cross passages of shallow tunnels).

All four projects aim to advance and disseminate knowledge on geomechanics, i.e., fracture and strain localization, and geohazards, i.e., rock avalanche, landslide and debris flow.

Our research includes constitutive modeling, numerical simulations, laboratory experiments and artificial intelligence techniques, e.g., hypoplasticity, geotechnical centrifuge, SPH and the phase-field approach, machine learning and data-driven intelligent surrogate models. Geomechanics and geohazards remain the hot research
topics in our institute.
