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Information Delivery Manual (IDM) Design Highway Bridges

Information Delivery Manual (IDM)
 for the Design to Construction Data Exchange for Highway Bridges

Information Delivery Manual (IDM) Design Highway Bridges

The United States (U.S.) highway bridge community desires increased interoperabilit of digital design data. Specifically, the primary interest is in providing repeatable, reliable, and systematic exchange of design information for use in construction applications. 

An Information Delivery Manual (IDM) is a core element of building a solution for interoperability. An IDM defines the requirements to fulfill a specific digital information exchange.

This IDM is associated with a specific business use case that is part of the overarching lifecycle of the bridge or structure. The business use case is documented on a process map that identifies the exchange of information. The purpose of the IDM is to define and characterize the information that is required for that exchange to effectively execute the business use case. 

This IDM provides a human-readable set of information requirements for the exchange of model-based information to execute the construction of highway bridges in the U.S. There are subtasks that are supported, including preparing a bid package and initiating the fabrication phase.

