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Flat Slab Analysis & Design Spreadsheet

Flat Slab Analysis & Design Spreadsheet

Flat Slab Analysis & Design Spreadsheet

Reinforced  concrete  slabs  are  the  most  important structural component in the construction industry and the most common practice  to design any reinforced concrete slab is to start with the selection of slab type (one  way  slabs,    two  way  slabs,  waffle  slabs,  flat slabs or pre-cast or pre-stressed slabs). 

The most common  type  of  slabs  used  in  the  construction industry is the flat slab due to the dominancy of slab–column  connection in  the  general  behaviour of  flat slab.  Flat slab  is  also an  ease  for the  contractor  to construct  in shorter  duration. 

The flat  slab sections with  regular  column  layout  are  the  most  common type of RC structures in the construction industry and it’s also  the choice for the  contractor  to  construct the building  with  regular  column  layouts.
